Rockwood Enterprises

Rockwood Programs

Rockwood Programs

Rockwood programs is a full service Managing General Agency licensed in 50 states and has the capacity and legal status to handle P&C, Life, and A&H products. Current national programs include Life Agents E&O, P&C Agents E&O, and MGA E&O. Our wholesale brokerage division, Rockwood Specialty, assists retail agents finding markets for unique or hard-to-place management liability risks.

Fox Point Programs

Fox Point Programs

Fox Point is an insurance agency specializing in professional and management liability product lines. The agency has appointments with multiple carriers rated “A” by A.M. Best, allowing it the ability to tailor policy terms and conditions to its client’s risks. Fox Point Programs is fully licensed to transact business in all 50 states and possesses the authorities to write accounts on either an admitted or surplus lines basis. To learn more visit

Wright Insurance Agency

Wright Insurance Agency

In July 2009 Ironshore Holdings Inc. and Rockwood Programs entered into an agreement to aquire Wright USA. Today, Wright USA sets the standard for insurance programs for Federal Government Employees and is the largest Third Party Administrator (TPA) serving this market. To learn more visit

Public Servants Defense Agency

Public Servants Defense Agency

Public Servants Defense Agency (PSDA) was founded to serve the unique needs of police, fire fighters and EMT’s during August 2011. PSDA works with the nationally recognized law firm of Wilson Elser and partners with domestic insurance carriers rated “A” by A.M. Best. To learn more visit

Modern Insurance Consultants

Modern Insurance Consultants

Modern Insurance, a Rockwood-controlled retail agency based in Homestead, FL, provides professional liability insurance programs. Founded in 1993, Modern Insurance Consultants has placed thousands of E&O policies for professionals across the United States. The agency has experience and success in placing difficult and/or problematic accounts. To learn more visit

Download our Product Quick Reference Guide to see a list of all the coverage and business classes we specialize in and who you can contact to learn more about them.