Policy Highlights
- Provides both $500,000/$500,000 and $1,000,000/$1,000,000 limits of liability
- All policies are issued with a $5,000 deductible
- Premiums start as low as $2,150 for $500,000/$500,000 and $2,500 for $1MM/ $1MM
- Rates are designed to be commensurate with experience
- Base premiums actually decrease with each renewal
- Eligible for Rockwood’s standard P&C program with 3 years experience
Cyber Liability Now Available!
Rockwood Programs has recently begun including Cyber Liability to its portfolio of management and professional liability products. We are sensitive to the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. The increasing need to protect your business against cyber liability and data breach exposures. We partnered with Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London to craft a solution that offers real insurance protection without requiring our customers to undergo a lengthy and intrusive application process.
- Available as an underlying Rockwood account endorsement with a separate sub limit or on a stand-alone basis
- Low minimum premium
- Limits up to $1,000,000 are available
- Only available to agents licensed three years of less
- Generates less than $150,000 in gross commission revenues annually
- Other territorial restrictions may apply
- Non-admitted placements up to 10% No involvement with:
- Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs)
- Multiple Employer Trusts (METs)
- Risk Purchasing Groups (RPGs)
- Captives
- Placement with carriers rated “B+” or better by A.M. Best
- No previous claims history from either P&C or Life/A&H activities
- New agents must agree to access and review Rockwood’s risk management tools within 90 days of policy issuance
- Product line placements limited to standard lines of business:
- Personal lines
- Package Business-Owners Policies
- General Liability
- Workers Compensation, etc.