Professional Liability Classes

Lawyer Professional Liability

Rockwood’s sister company, Fox Point Programs, now offers an “A+” (Superior) rated Lawyers Professional Liability program in order to provide your clients with a competitively priced quote option.

Key Features

  • Limits available from $250,000/ $250,000 to $2,000,000/ $2,000,000
  • Deductibles available from $2,500 to $25,000
  • Title Agents Professional liability coverage available
  • Coverage available in all 50 states
  • Most “Areas of Practice” are acceptable (ask for more details)

Cyber Liability Now Available!

Rockwood Programs has recently begun including Cyber Liability to its portfolio of management and professional liability products. We are sensitive to the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. The increasing need to protect your business against Cyber liability and data breach exposures. We partnered with Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London to craft a solution that offers real insurance protection without requiring our customers to undergo a lengthy and intrusive application process!

  • Available as an underlying Rockwood account endorsement with a separate sub limit or on a stand-alone basis
  • Low minimum premium
  • Limits up to $1,000,000 are available

Contact Fox Point’s Underwriting Staff:

Toll-free: 800-499-7242


All States

Underwriting Staff

(800) 558-8808

Email/States Represented