
Property & Casualty Agent Errors & Omissions


Rockwood has been a premier provider of Insurance Agents E&O coverage for almost 20 years. During that span of time, we have made numerous changes to our program to keep pace with the changing needs of the marketplace. Rockwood administers a national program underwritten through Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London for P&C Retail Agents.

We also possess appointments with other “A” rated carriers, allowing us to place virtually any P&C Agent’s E&O risk.


Policy Highlights

  • Wide array of liability limit and retention options
  • Advocacy legal defense in the event of a loss, provided by an internationally recognized law firm
  • Employee Dishonesty coverage included, subject to a $50,000 sublimit
  • Vanishing Deductible
  • First Dollar Defense (retention only applies to indemnity)
  • Defense Outside the Limit of Liability
  • B+ Insolvency
  • Pre-Claims Hotline – staffed by legal professionals – provided at no cost
  • Coverage for incidental placement of Life/Accident & Health products included
  • Worldwide coverage so long as suit is brought in the U.S., its territories and possessions, or Canada


Applicants engaging in the following activities are not eligible for our Lloyd’s-underwritten program. These risks can still be placed through one of our other highly rated carrier partners.

  • Self insurance, Risk Retention/Risk Purchasing Groups
  • Consulting or risk management work
  • Claims administrators
  • Entities acting principally as wholesalers or MGAs
  • TPAs or reinsurance brokers
  • Actuarial Services, Tax Advice, or Real Estate
  • PEOs
  • Crop Insurance

Cyber Liability Now Available!

Rockwood Programs has added Cyber Liability to its portfolio of management and professional liability products. We are sensitive to the ever-changing needs of the marketplace. Being able to protect your agency against cyber liability and data breach exposures is a critical element of any corporate risk mitigation strategy. We are able to offer a $100,000 cyber liability coverage endorsement within our Lloyd’s-underwritten program. Rockwood also has access to multiple markets that provide this valuable coverage on a stand-alone basis. Contact your underwriter for more details.




Underwriting Staff

Jacob Hopkins- Underwriting Assistant
Mihalos- Underwriter

Email/States Represented

Pasternack- Underwriter
(302) 765-6042

Email/States Represented

For risks in the following states AK, HI, LA, MS click here for the Rockwood Brokerage Division

